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Why Do We Exist?

To liberate free-thinking human beings from the dismal doldrums of document preparation.

"I've been using Paragryn for 2 years now and I LOVE it! It saves me a ton of time, reduces mistakes and flat-out makes drafting documents more fun. And their support team is always there when I need them."

Gina Weinberger
Estate, Probate & Real Estate Attorney
Weinberger Law, LLC
Boulder, Colorado

How We Came to Be:

For years, we yearned for something (anything!) to free us from the drudgery of redundant data entry: from the confines of find & replace. In our despair we knew, it just didn’t exist. Nothing could do what needed to be done. So we decided to change that.

Why Do We Call it Paragryn?

Sounds cool. Reminds us of the falcon's efficiency, speed, and freedom of flight.

What LIFE feels like with Paragryn:

Giggles. Smiles. "Gryns". A relaxed sigh of relief. Can you believe this? It’s beyond belief!

Together We Shall Prevail!

We implore you to join us on our adventure. Join us on our collective journey to be free. Join us now, on the bridge of Starship Paragryn, as we sing the Song of the Revolution…

Song of the Revolution

Document-prep people unite! Band together! Fight for our rights!

Fight for your LIFE!

No longer can we wait.

Not you. Not me.

The time has come. The time is now.

On the Wings of Paragryn, we shall be free.

We will fight. We will fight. No longer shall we type, without power of flight.

© Lyconos, Inc. Paragryn, the paragryn logo and Your Documents Faster are trademarks of Lyconos, Inc.
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